Certificate in Real Estate Development & Value-Add Investments Financial Modelling

This course will equip you with the knowledge to make investment decisions, identify and mitigate risks & deal with the intricacies of property acquisition, management, and disposal.

You will discover how to construct a robust financial model to assess the risk and return profile of development, re-development, refurbishment, and value-add investments.

Course Content

Foundations of Real Estate Development and Investment

  • Why invest in real estate
  • Four quadrants of real estate investment
  • Real estate market cycles and their impact on investment decision

Overview of Private Equity in Real Estate

  • Definition and key concepts
  • Importance and role in the real estate market
  • Current trends and market dynamics

Investment Strategies and Processes

  • Core, core-plus, value-add, and opportunistic strategies
  • Risk-return profiles of different strategies

The Investment Lifecycle

  • Sourcing and acquiring properties
  • Due diligence and underwriting
  • Asset management and value creation
  • Exit strategies and dispositions

Evaluating Real Estate Developments

  • Gross Development Value (GDV) and Net Development Value (NDV)
  • Residual Land Value (RLV)

Evaluating Real Estate Private Equity Deals
Performance Metrics and KPIs

  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Equity Multiple
  • Net Operating Income (NOI)
  • Yields
  • Worth or Investment Value

Case Study Analysis

  • Real-world example of a private equity real estate development deal

Foundations of REITs

  • Introduction to REITs: History and purpose
  • Overview of REIT structures in different countries
  • Emerging Markets and REITs: Opportunities and risks
  • Market size and structure
  • Types of REITs: development, operating, internal vs external
  • The economic rationale for investing in REITs

REIT Investment Strategies

  • Portfolio Diversification with REITs
  • Public vs. Private REITs: Pros and cons

Legal and Regulatory Framework

  • REIT Legislation: A global overview
  • Tax considerations and requirements for REITs
  • Governance and compliance in REIT operations

REIT Financials and Performance Metrics

  • Understanding REIT Financial Statements
  • Key Performance Indicators for REITs (FFO, AFFO, NAV)
  • Analysing REIT dividend payout and sustainability

Valuation Techniques for REITs

  • Intrinsic vs Relative Value
  • Comparative analysis and benchmarking
  • Identifying value and stock selection
  • Market Trends Affecting REIT Sectors (Retail, Residential, Office, etc.)
  • The impact of economic cycles on REIT performance

Risks and Opportunities in REIT Investment

  • Macro-economic, sector and stock-specific risks
  • ESG Risks
  • Identifying and managing risks in REIT investment portfolios
  • Legal and Regulatory Changes: Impacts on REITs

The Future of REITs

  • Innovations in Real Estate: REITs and technology
  • The outlook for REITs: Trends and predictions

Case Study Analysis

  • Real-world example of a publicly-traded REIT

Fundamentals of Real Estate Debt Finance

  • The Real estate transactions’ capital stack
  • The importance of debt in real estate transactions

Real Estate Market Analysis

  • Understanding market trends
  • Asset class demand pre- and post-COVID-19
  • ESG, lenders’ and borrowers’ approaches
  • Evaluating market conditions for financing decisions
  • Geographic and sector-specific considerations

Types of Real Estate Debt Instruments

  • Commercial Real Estate Loans

        -   Characteristics of commercial loans

  • Risk-Return

        -   Loan structures

  • Interest-only
  • Constant amortisation and remaining balloon payment
  • Annuity
  • Cash Sweep

Development Financing

  • Financing new development projects

        -   Strategy: Residential/ Commercial; domestic/ international

  • Risks and considerations

        -   Developing entity, credit worthiness, project experience
        -   Land development risks
        -   Design Risks
        -   Entitlement risks
        -   Financing Risks
        -   Cost overrun/ delay risk
        -   Lease risk
        -   Sale Risk

  • Phases of development financing

        -   Total Development Costs and Sources of Funds
        -   S-Curve and Debt Drawdowns

Key terms and covenants

  • Maturities: Development facility vs Investment properties
  • Financial covenants/ Default covenants
  • Reporting covenants/ Information covenants

Analysing real estate debt

  • Financial Analysis Techniques from an investment and lending perspective

        -   Property Investment
              -   Net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR)
        -   Lending
              -   Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR)/ Interest Cover Ratio (ICR)
              -   Debt Yield
              -   Loan-to-value ratio (LTV)

Risk Assessment

  • Identifying and mitigating risks
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Stress testing financial models

Commenting on Legal and Regulatory Framework

  • Legal Aspects of Real Estate Debt

        -   Key legal documents (Loan agreement/ Security documents including Fixed charge/ mortgages deed, floating charge, pledges over rental income accounts)
        -   Foreclosure process and implications
        -   Lender liability and borrower protections

  • Regulatory Environment

        -   Overview of relevant regulations
              -   Basel III
                    -   Output Floors
               -   Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
                    -   Art. 8 and 9
               -   Shariah Finance

         -   Impact of regulations on real estate finance

Case Studies and Practical Applications

  • Real-world example of a real estate debt financing transaction

Best practice in financial models

  • Simple tips to help you become an efficient financial modeller
  • How to avoid errors and present your models in a persuasive way

Implicit investment valuation methods

  • Term & Reversion
  • Layer / Hardcore
  • Property yields
  • Defining term and reversionary yields
  • Calculating the equivalent yield

Build your cash flow from scratch

  • Inputs: passing rent, estimated rental value, initial and exit yields, market growth, review cycles and most importantly, target returns
  • Outputs: internal rate of return, net present value and worth
  • Annual and quarterly discounted cash flows: modelling purchase price, passing rent, rent reviews, exit rent and exit price

Gearing / Leverage

  • Adding senior debt “bullet” loan

Analyse the results

  • IRR, NPV and Worth
  • Data tables & sensitivity analysis
  • Risk visualisation (charts)

Case study:

Single-tenant office building in the UK

Multiple tenant properties

  • Modelling tenancy schedules and rents forecast
  • Rent reviews, upward-only, break options, lease expiry
  • Modelling hypothetical second leases
  • Void period, rent free and estimated rental values

Time-varying rental growth

Net Operating Income Forecast

  • Modelling capital expenditure for refurbishment and operating costs (letting fees, void costs, empty rates)

Investment decision

  • When to accept the project and make investment recommendation

Case study

Multi-tenant office building in the UK

Residual Valuation Appraisal

  • Property Yields
  • Land Value
  • Profit Appraisal
  • Gross and Net Development Values
  • Return on GDV, Cost and Equity

Pro-forma development cash flow


Timings: purchase date, works start date, planning, lead in, construction and refurbishment, void period, lease start, sale date

  • Revenue: sales proceeds, estimated rental value per sqf, net internal areas, rental growth and target returns
  • Development Costs: construction and refurbishment, site purchase and vacant possession value, contingency, professional fees, statutory costs, allowances and rights
  • S-Curve vs. Straight Line


  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Net Present Value (NPV)
  • Maximum Bidding Price
  • Total profit, profit on cost and equity multiple

Financial viability testing & risk analysis

  • Data tables & sensitivity analysis
  • Risk visualisation techniques

Case study: 

un-geared office redevelopment in the UK

Development finance

  • Debt & Equity Structures
  • Senior Debt
  • Mezzanine Loan

Geared cash flow

Debt Types

  • Rolled-up interest senior debt
  • Equity first capital deployment waterfall
  • Debt repayment structures for development finance

Joint-venture structures

  • Equity waterfall structure
  • Preferred returns
  • Promote Cash Flow

Capitalised interest & circularities

Case study:

geared office redevelopment in the UK

Lead-in period

  • Current in-place leases, operating expenses – vacancy costs, including rates and empty costs
  • Site acquisition including options, pre-development and planning costs
  • Equity and debt drawdowns, including mezzanine finance

Construction period

  • Development hard and soft costs using S-curve, Straight line and Known curves
  • Construction finance drawdowns following an equity-first model

Lease-up and stabilisation period

  • New leases with gross and net lease clauses
  • Tenant incentives such as rent-free and capital expenditure contributions
  • Operating expenses – delayed rates, letting fees, service charges and void costs

Investment options modelling

  • Lease re-gearing, hold or sell
  • Re-develop, refinance and hold
  • Re-develop, stabilise and sell

Sources of funds

  • Calculating debt and equity peaks
  • Modelling the debt repayment waterfall
  • Calculating total cost of debt (interest and fees)

Carried Interest / Promote Structures

  • Profit shares and preferred equity returns
  • Equity returns based on different IRR tiers

Risk modelling and presentation

  • Sensitivity analysis (2-way data tables)
  • Scenario analysis
  • Financial ratios: IRR, NPV, Residual Land Value, Profit on Cost, Profit on GDV, Equity Multiple

This course is targeted at those who are new to the real estate sector and wish to become property development experts.

"I approached Cambridge Finance to get better at excel from both a cost management perspective and because I am an investor myself. The course was very informative; the excel shortcuts were useful and will allow me to be a professional at excel - not to mention show off to my colleagues.

Chris White
Finance Director

"I would like to express my gratitude and best wishes for our mentor and instructor, Maria Wiedner, for her incredible dedication and patience throughout this course."

Nouf Khaled Al Swailem
Finance Director
Sports Boulevard
Dates & Prices
DurationDuration CPD HoursCPD Hours LocationLocation LevelLevel DatesDates
7 days 49 The Cumberland, London/Online Beginner - Advanced

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